Dental ambulance Kovačević

Preventive dentistry

Regular visits to your dentist are the most efficient protection against tooth and gum diseases.
In modern dentistry, the three most prevalent diseases are caries, periodontopathy (periodontitis), and malignant diseases of the mouth cavity.
Preventive dentistry, naturally, aims to prevent the disease appearing; however, it, above all, aims to raise the awareness of the patient about the importance of regularly and properly maintaining the hygiene of the mouth cavity. The habit of properly maintaining oral hygiene significantly reduces the risk of tooth and gum diseases, so from the earliest childhood special attention needs to be paid to acquiring this habit.

Dental ambulance Kovačević

Children's dentistry

Infants and children are not immune to oral health problems. In 2002, "Oral Health in America: A Report of the Surgeon General" found that dental caries (tooth decay or cavities) is the most chronic childhood ailment – five times more common than asthma and seven times more common than hay fever. It is important that your child see a dentist by age one to establish a long-term dental hygiene and professional dental cleaning plan.

Dental ambulance Kovačević

Conservative dentistry & Endodontics

The Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics consists of two specialties Conservative dentistry & Endodontics. Conservative Dentistry deals with the treatment and rehabilitation of diseased, defective or destructured tooth. It also includes Cosmetic / Aesthetic corrections of teeth. Endodontics deals with root canal treatment, endodontic surgery and related treatments.

Dental ambulance Kovačević


Prosthodontics is a branch of dentistry responsible for the restoration and replacement of missing teeth as well as aesthetic improvements of the existing ones (both their function and aesthetic appearance), for the purpose of improving the quality of life.
It can be divided into: fixed prostheses , mobile prostheses and combiend prostheses.

Dental ambulance Kovačević


Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the correction of malposition of teeth and improper mutual position of the upper and lower jaws, during growth and their development but even after that period.
In addition to the beautiful look (aesthetics), it is also important that the masticatory system functions as better as possible, because it effects the normal functioning of the entire human organism. If there is a correct position of teeth, then, it surely ensures functioning of the entire dental systems and, at the same time, reduces a possibility of the individual tooth load.

Dental ambulance Kovačević

Oral surgery and implantology

Oral surgery is a special branch of dentistry that deals with the surgical procedures in the oral cavity. With today’s methods for administering local anesthesia, it helps us to get to the desired results in a painless way.
Oral Implantology is a dental discipline that combines oral surgery and prosthetics. The oral implantology basis is surgical implant of the titanium cylindre – implant in the bone.

Dental ambulance Kovačević


Periodontology is the study of the specialised system of hard and soft tissues that supports your teeth and maintains their position in the jaw. This apparatus, known as the periodontium, has some very important functions: it securely attaches the teeth to the jaws; it acts as a shock absorber during biting and chewing and therefore helps to prevent damage to the teeth from excessive forces; and it maintains the teeth in a stable position within the jaws so that that they work together efficiently and comfortably during chewing.

Dental ambulance Kovačević

Cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is a combination of all dental branches (oral surgery, prosthodontics, orthodontics, endodontics) whose aim is to correct all existing deficiencies and make your smile perfect. Not only does it improve your appearance, but also has a direct impact on your life by contributing to your self-esteem and oral health, and it helps you to make a great first impression on another person. Cosmetic dental procedures are aimed to make your teeth completely fit with their shape, color, size, function and speech, feeling them like a part of yourself, not like a foreign object.

Dental ambulance Kovačević

Hyaluronic filler

Hyaluronic filler is used to increase your lips levels. Results can be seen immediately. The process is safe.